COVID-19 Health Screening Questionnaire for Contractors and Service Providers

To help satisfy compliance with the Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”) and to enhance the safety of residents, property management, condominium staff, and all others on the property,  it is required all persons performing work on the property (herein called “contractors and service providers”) seeking access to the property to complete a mandatory Health Screening Questionnaire. Please be advised that all such persons who do not complete this questionnaire will not be allowed access onto the property address. This screening must be done every day you attend our site.

This questionnaire is being conducted solely as a preventative measure to reduce and/or restrict the spread of COVID-19 on the condominium property. All information collected will remain confidential, except when disclosure is required by law.

Please complete the Screening Questionnaire below before entering our building/property.
Once you submit it, a copy of your answers will be sent to the corporation’s property manager. You will also get a copy by email.

COVID-19 Safety Protocol

At all times while performing services on the property, you are required to abide by all health protocols required by law or recommended by Ottawa Public Health, including but not limited to:
• Practicing physical distancing – staying six feet (2 meters) away from all others
• Where possible, workers and occupants should be segregated in different rooms
• Ensuring that a maximum of 5 workers attend any work site at any one time
• Wearing a mask to cover your nose and mouth (and sneezing or coughing into your elbow or sleeve)
• Frequently washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds
• Not sharing work tools or personal protective equipment (PPE)
• Cleaning and disinfecting work tools, PPE, and high touch surfaces frequently
• Wearing gloves whenever possible while on the worksite
• Not attending the property if you are sick or displaying any of the symptoms outlined in Question 1 below, or any other COVID-19 related symptoms (even mildly)
• Self-isolating, as necessary, in accordance with public health requirements

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When you click on Submit, the form will be automatically emailed to the Property manager and a copy will be emailed to the address you provided above. If you have not received a copy, please check your spam/junk mail box.

NOTE: The information collected as part of this Screening Process is collected for COVID tracing purpose only. It will be retained by our Property Manager for a period of at least one month. If requested to do so under the Health Protection and Promotion Act or under any other applicable legislation, our Property Manager may disclosed this information to a medical officer of health or any other authorized agent or inspector. Our Property Manager may also use this information for tracing purposes or to communicate a known case of infection to other users or owners/occupants. Our Property Manager must also advise Ottawa Public Health if two or more people test positive for COVID-19 in connection with this premises within a 14 day interval.